Ofwat Discovery Challenge (2023)
Mounce HydroSmart are excited to be competing in the Ofwat Discovery challenge with our #WaterBrightIdea to help solve the biggest...

CSOA Combined Sewer Overflow Analytics project (2020-2022)
In a recent project, Yorkshire Water, the University of Sheffield, Mounce HydroSmart and Siemens partnered to develop an innovative AI...

Pipebots article In HydroLink AI Special (2021)
Autonomous robotics for water and sewer networks FREE a new issue of #Hydrolink that illustrates the great potential of...

ICT for Smart Water Systems Book (2020)
ICT for Smart Water Systems: Measurements and Data Science. Editors: Scozzari, Mounce, Han, Soldovieri, Solomatine. The chapters of this...