The company has a number of affiliated experts available to participate in projects as required.
Dr. John Machell

Having extensive experience in both water industry and academia, John brings a wealth of practical and technical skills and domain knowledge to Hydrosmart. His adroitness encompasses asset management; water resources, treatment and distribution; waste water management and reuse; trade effluent monitoring and control; pollution prevention; software design and IT systems training.
Work and research interests have caused John to travel widely, and expand his knowledge to a global awareness of water related challenges.
He is an Institution of Civil Engineers Telford Prize winner.

Dr. Richard Mounce (RBMTS, a partner on ACQUIRE) is an applied mathematician whose research interests include dynamic traffic assignment, traffic network optimisation, intelligent transportation systems and hydroinformatics. He has worked on numerous multidisciplinary research projects, such as the FREEFLOW project at the University of York, the ReVISIONS project at the University of Cambridge and the ESPIRIT project at the University of Aberdeen. Richard has been previously seconded to the Government Office for Science Future of Cities project.
He has developed a number of hydroinformatics software applications including for leak detection, sustainability evaluation and case-based reasoning software for water quality incidents. He is an experienced C# and MATLAB developer.

Mr. Bob Mounce is part of the ACQUIRE Discovery Challenge Winner team. Prior to his engagement at MHS as an industry researcher on the ACQUIRE project he had 15 years’ experience of Technical Data Administration in the Oil and Gas Industry specialising in CMMS (Maximo Super user & SME), Document Control (EDMS & SME) and OPEX implementing a “ Choke “ Model for operational strategies onshore and offshore. He also has previous experience in Data Management, covering data processing, systems (design & analysis) and reporting for Fishing Industries at home and abroad (including Asia) involving direct liaison with asset owners, national and international regulators and government bodies. His current and future role will focus on water utility infrastructure, regulation and datasets.
We also have access to specialist sub- contractors with expertise in water resources, Python, R, MATLAB, databases, GIS, Cloud and App/ Web development.
Providing bespoke data driven analytics and machine learning applications for the water sector